Dr. Teresa Lee served as Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Education in Special Education Instructional Services and Specialist for students with Specific Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder. Dr. Lee was responsible for providing guidance, professional development, and technical assistance to schools and parents in the areas of eligibility and identification, IEP development and the implementation of instructional practices. She facilitated training in specially designed instruction, served as chair for indicator 5/LRE and developed activities to support recruitment and retention of special education teachers. Highlights include the development of the Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative, Journey into Teaching Academy and Supporting the Identification and Achievement of Twice-exceptional Students. Dr. Lee has served as a teacher, elementary assistant principal, middle principal, and Assistant Professor of Administration and Supervision. She is currently a Strategic Instruction Model Professional Developer, an educational consultant and adjunct faculty member in special education and educational leadership.
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)