Stephanie Jackson, PhD
Quality Assurance Reviewer
Dr. Stephanie Jackson provides quality assurance for all PROGRESS Center products and activities. Dr. Jackson has more than 35 years of experience in a variety of educational environments, including general and special education settings, magnet schools, charter schools, and higher education. She has been recognized for her educational leadership in schools and her practical and realistic perspectives to foster the learning of all students, including students with disabilities. For the last 15 years, Dr. Jackson has been project director for the IDEA Part D Analysis, Communications, Dissemination, and Meetings Task Ordering Contract where she has assisted OSEP with communicating evidence-based research to practice to support students with disabilities in schools across the country. Prior to joining AIR, Dr. Jackson worked as a general and special education teacher, a district-level special education administrator, an elementary school principal, and the associate director of a research institute in a large, urban university.