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Have you ever wondered, what does meaningful access and progress in general education really look like for students with disabilities? Is providing additional technology cheating? Can students with disabilities also access general education interventions and supports?  Who is responsible for promoting access and progress in general curriculum? In this webinar, Dr. Tessie Bailey and Dr. Perry Zirkel shared federal legal requirement, court decisions, and considerations for practice that can support educators in answering these questions and making decisions about how to ensure access and progress in the general curriculum for students with disabilities. A panel of educators and administrators from Tomball ISD shared how they have implemented these requirements and practices to support access to the general curriculum for their students with disabilities and all students.

Developed By
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General Educators
LEA/School Leaders
Special Educators/Providers
Law and Policy
ADA 504
High-Quality IEP
Explanation of Educational Setting
Specially Designed Instruction
Supplementary Aids & Services
Building a Successful System
Effective Instruction and Student Supports
Student Belonging
Resource Type