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Educators, student and parent voices are critical to developing an IEP that promotes progress and is individualized to help the student meet future goals. These forms were developed to help IEP teams work with parents and students to gather information and perspectives prior to the IEP meeting to ensure that the meeting can run efficiently and focused on the unique needs and goals of the student. The forms ask parents and students to share goals, strengths, needs, and what has and hasn't worked to support the student at school, at home, and in the community.

Parents, you are an expert in your child! We encourage you to use the form to reflect on the big things you would like the IEP team to know about your child. Share the form with the other IEP team members before the meeting and bring a copy with you to the meeting.

Students, you know what works best for you! Use this form to share your thoughts with your IEP team to help develop your IEP. Share the form with your IEP team members and your parents a couple weeks before the IEP meeting. If you are attending the meeting, bring a copy of the form with you to the meeting.

We would like to thank staff from Families Helping Families of Greater New Orleans and Louisiana Parent Training & Information Center, Nicole Bucka, and educators at Ella Risk School Elementary School in Central Falls Rhode Island for their feedback on these resources. To ensure these resources are as helpful as possible for parents and families, we welcome any suggested edits or ways to make the content more accessible. Please contact us at with your ideas.

Page 1 of IEP Student Form
Developed By
Posted On
LEA/School Leaders
Special Educators/Providers
High-Quality IEP
IEP Team
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Resource Type