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This activity is intended to help educators and administrators gain a deeper understanding of the required components of the individualized education program (IEP) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The activity uses the PROGRESS Center IEP Tip Sheet Series to introduce the IDEA language, provide tips for implementation, and share resources for the required IEP components. This activity provides time for individual, peer, and group reflection and discussion and is expected to take between 15-20 minutes.

By completing this activity, participants will be able to

  • explain the IDEA requirements for an IEP component,
  • identify tips for implementing an IEP component, and
  • access additional resources related to an IEP component.

The activity facilitator guide provides an overview of the activity, materials needed, suggested agendas for the activity, and key ideas to reinforce within the activity. An accompanying participant handout can be used to support participants in completing the activity.

participant handout page one of strategies for analyzing PROGRESS Center IEP Tip Sheets
Developed By
Posted On
High-Quality IEP
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Resource Type