What is it?
Leaders create a supportive environment that recognizes and values the professional expertise of all educators in the school system, including paraeducators, general and special education teachers, and related service providers. Educator support includes ongoing access to relevant professional development, embedded coaching, resources, and materials necessary to develop and implement high-quality instructional programming to meet the needs of students with disabilities within their school. A component of educator supports involves creating working conditions that prevent burnout and attrition, including setting realistic work demands and role clarity (Billingsley et al., 2020).
What do teachers and leaders need to know?
Ensuring staff have the capacity and support to effectively implement the IEP and instructional programming for students with disabilities is critical to guarantee students have access to free appropriate public education. These supports may include ongoing training and coaching related to practices that support all students as well as individual educator supports needed to implement specific components of a child’s IEP, such as a new evidence-based practice, accommodations and modifications, or assistive technology.
Where can you learn more?