Research has shown that actively involving students in progress monitoring through performance feedback and goal setting can lead to improved academic outcomes, motivation, and self-efficacy, yet many students who are at risk for academic failure and students with disabilities who have their progress monitored on a weekly or biweekly basis remain unaware of their progress. This six-step instructional routine offers a quick reference guide that enhances typical progress monitoring procedures by engaging students in progress monitoring. The instructional routine includes a review of necessary materials and sample scripts that teachers can use following each progress monitoring session. The companion note-taking log & fidelity checklist provides a place to take notes and monitor the implementation of the six-step protocol.
The content for these resources is adapted from a recently published article in Intervention in School and Clinic.
Furey, J., & Loftus-Rattan, S. M. (2021). Actively involving students with learning disabilities in progress monitoring practices. Intervention in School and Clinic, 10534512211032618.